Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 


This Privacy Policy has been developed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. It outlines how Climate Craic CIC collects, stores, uses and shares data. ‘Personal Data’ is defined as any kind of information that can be used to personally identify an individual.

The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to inform you about key points of information regarding the personal. By visiting the Climate Craic CIC website or completing a contact form, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy.

Data Principles

Everything we do relating to your personal data is covered by the following data principles:

  • Your personal data belongs to you – you can control, correct, update and request erasure of it by contacting us (except where the data is required to be retained by law). You should know about, and be comfortable with, everything that we do with your personal data.
  • We will only collect, store, use and share your personal data in a way that is outlined in this Privacy Policy . If we change the way we use your data, we will inform you of this and, if necessary, regain your consent for this change of use.
  • If we have your personal data, we will protect it using appropriate security safeguards, having kept on top of and appropriately considered the latest industry standards and best practice.

Personal Data that we collect

We have attempted to list all data Climate Craic CIC may collect about you. Any personal data we may collect which is not listed, will be used and stored in line with the personal data on this Privacy Policy.

Personal data you may give us (but not limiting to):

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Address
  • Telephone Number

How do we collect it?

We have made every effort to detail the personal data that we collect from the users of our website, those who contact us, our festival participants, vendors, suppliers and others, as well as to ensure that the platforms we use to collect data, are secure in storing and retaining the data as you would expect. We have documented the main ways in which we collect this data below.

Climate Craic Website

The website is maintained by Climate Craic CIC. From time to time we may collect data from forms or elements of the website. This data will be collected and processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Our Contact Form

Our membership form collects the personal data detailed above


Other Collection Methods

There may be occasions where we collect and store personal data that has been provided to us orally or via other mediums, such as Google forms. This personal data will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided and the retention of this personal data will be for the shortest period required.


How is the personal data used?

Climate Craic will not collect any personal data that is not necessary to carry out the functions of servicing your membership, such as notifying you of Climate Craic activities.

If you have provided us with an e-mail address, we may email you (providing you have not opted out) with communications to keep you up to date with the activities of Climate Craic. If you unsubscribe from email communications you will no longer receive communications. 


Who do we share your personal data with?

Climate Craic will never share your personal data with any third parties other than digital storage providers without your prior consent.


How long will Climate Craic keep your data?

Climate Craic will retain the personal data we hold for a time we deem necessary for the purposes for which we are collecting the data. You have the right to request we amend, remove and view the data we store. You can do this by the methods given at the end of this policy.

Your personal data may be stored digitally; this may mean that the personal data is stored outside the EU however we will ensure that all forms of data storage used remain compliant with this privacy policy and all applicable laws.


Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent, unless required to do so by law. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. We will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Policy in an archive for you to review.


Ways to contact us

If you wish to contact the Climate Craic team regarding any of the personal data we collect or store, including making changes to your personal data, please contact Climate Craic via email.
